Bubble Bump Singapore Blog

The sky is the Limit for Bubble Bump [2025]

It is indeed hilarious that the awesome game of Bubble Bump we have today is a product of a joke between two comedians, Henrik Elvestad & Johan on a TV show the ‘Golden Goal’. Bubble Bump has come a far way to rise to prominence. So for today let’s explore the journey of the Bubble Bump game.

Bubble Bump has seen great growth since inception, even being played competitively. In the United States, there are 39 bubble soccer leagues under the National Association of Bubble Soccer. Each of these leagues has 8-12 teams playing regularly. There is even a World Cup for Bubble Soccer, which has included a total of 16 teams from all around the globe, happening in England this year. Bubble Soccer has indeed been a booming game, popular around the globe. Perhaps if you have the hunger to compete for our country, you can represent Singapore to participate in the World Cup for Bubble Soccer, bringing our country’s flag high and rising in a bubble soccer event, a soccer event nonetheless.

The quality of Bubble Bump suits has seen an increase in quality assurance. In the past, the bubble suits loaned out were often of poor quality as there was no one common industry standard being enforced. Today, the Bubble suits are manufactured professionally and designed to be indestructible. So play to your heart’s content, you guys are in safe bubbles. After you see the video below, you will believe me when I said the bubbles are indestructible. Bubble suits capable of taking on a direct confrontation with a raging bull in the rodeo and most importantly to come out completely unscathed. Bubble suits- the modern day armour. I wonder what other safety tests can we set up for the Bubble suit, a car or the Hulk himself?

While it is said in psychology that physical contact helps with feeling more connected with others, playing bubble bump can also help to the same effect. In Bubble Bump, players are enabled to let loose with all their might, to play with their hearts on their bubbles, rendering a fun, yet safe environment to clash in their bubbles. Players can experience moments in which is impossible to come by in the real world, quickly breaking the ice between people who are new to each other. See a new colleague looking dumbfounded on the pitch, bump her into oblivion and everyone has a great time together! Who would have thought a comical game of soccer on a television show has now become a tool for employers to improve office culture and relationships through cohesion and teambuilding activities.

Another extreme Bubble Soccer example is a Guinness world record that was set in 2017 for the largest game of Bubble Soccer with 99 people on the pitch at the same time. That game was as frantic as you can possibly imagine it to be, with 90% of players not even anywhere near the ball at any given time. But still everyone had a good time because Bubble Soccer is more than just the soccer ball; it is about the people and the Bubble Bumping. It was a phenomenal moment for Bubble Soccer to accumulated this much hype and hopefully many more to come.